
our proud sponsors

Why become a sponsor?

Best Companies



We want our sponsorship to be exclusive with the best companies in a category, hence our sponsors have stayed with us over the years. Our exclusion of heavily commercialized companies makes our sponsorship opportunities credible and memorable to our growing community.
As a fast-growing worldwide community, we are excited to share with you a sponsorship opportunity that allows you to reach over 10,000 hospitality and tourism educators world-wide. During the past year, we have seen extraordinary growth in our membership while also focusing on its diversity. We serve our sponsors by providing an exceptional opportunity to reach our members.
Unlike other websites and LISTSERVs, our goal is only to be associated with hospitality and tourism higher education faculty members worldwide and those exceptional companies who want to be exposed to them. Our members have to request and be approved to belong to our community or we have to personally invite them, which strengthens our core mission of serving hospitality and tourism educators and their institutions.

This strategy has made us the number one communication tool that reaches hospitality and tourism educators in over 700 cities located in over 75 countries worldwide.
    Our sponsorship opportunity includes the followings:
  • Posting your logo on our website that is linked to your website
  • Creating a special announcement on our website
  • Sending out announcements to our members on a weekly basis, which is updated when a need arises
  • Sending out announcements on our Facebook (1,500 members) and LinkedIn (3,500 members) accounts
  • Four feature videos of your company or other information that your company would like to promote!


 The cost of sponsorship is $1,500 annually. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please “Click Below”!